CDC’s MMRW on Changes in HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Awareness and Use Among Men Who Have Sex with Men – 20 Urban Areas, 2014 and 2017


What is already known about this topic?

Men who have sex with men (MSM) can reduce their risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection by using preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) consistently. Increasing PrEP use is a principal strategy of the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative.

What is added by this report?

From 2014 to 2017, PrEP awareness among MSM in 20 urban areas increased from 60% to 90%, and PrEP use increased from 6% to 35%. PrEP use increased in almost all demographic subgroups but remains lower among black and Hispanic MSM.

What are the implications for public health practice?

By routinely testing patients for HIV, assessing HIV-negative patients for risk behaviors, and prescribing PrEP as needed, health care providers can play a critical role in ending the HIV epidemic.

HIV Partner Service Delivery Among Blacks or African Americans

In 2016, CDC funded 61 state and local health departments to implement comprehensive HIV prevention programs, including partner services. CDC analyzed HIV partner services client-level data in the National HIV Prevention Program Monitoring and Evaluation system submitted by 59 health departments. This study explores the findings of Partner Services among Blacks/African Americans in the 61 funded states and local health departments.

Video: Triple Dip – STD Testing

To provide comprehensive care to Black gay men, start here – we are are more than our sexual identities. In our latest His Health  teaser, Dr. Quintin Robinson breaks down how to administer sexually affirming health screenings for Black same gender-loving men.

Transgender Issues in HIV

As awareness about the existence of transgender people growsin mainstream consciousness, so does our knowledge about their unique strengths, needs, and vulnerabilities. Providers of HIV care need accurate and current information about transgender people living with HIV, including potential barriers and facilitators to engagement and retention, as well as strategies for optimizing HIV care and treatment for transgender patients.

4 Phases of Social Network Strategy (SNS) for HIV Testing

Social Network Strategy (SNS) for HIV Testing Recruitment is an evidence supported approach to engaging and motivating a person to accept a service. SNS is particularly useful to recruit persons at risk for HIV into testing. This infographic highlights the 4 phases of the social networking strategy. The phases are: 1) Recruiter Enlistment, 2) Engagement, 3)Recruitment of Network Associates, 4) HIV Testing

Daily Pill Can Prevent HIV Infographics

Flow chart shows how any prescribing health care provider can provide PrEP care; 1.) Test for HIV including acute infection, 2.) Order recommended tests if patient is interested in PrEP and could benefit from it, 3.) Help patient apply for insurance or other programs to pay for PrEP, 4.) Prescribe, 5.) Follow-up

New York City HIV Status Neutral Prevention and Treatment Cycle

The NYC Health Department has developed the New York City HIV Status Neutral Prevention and Treatment Cycle to highlight several key messages that are not included in the traditional HIV care continuum. This new paradigm outlines the steps that can lead to an undetectable viral load (when HIV medications work and you have so little HIV in your blood that tests cannot detect it) and steps for effective HIV prevention (such as using condoms and taking Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, also known as PrEP).

Revised Recommendations for HIV Testing of Adults, Adolescents, and Pregnant Women in Health Care Settings

These guidelines, “Revised Recommendations for HIV Testing of Adults, Adolescents, and Pregnant Women in Health Care Settings” were published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), on September 12, 2006 [55(RR14);1-17]. General consent for medical care should be considered sufficient to encompass consent for HIV testing.